Clicking on any metabolite link will take you to the Human Metabolome Database.
Displaying diseases 1 - 4 of 17 in total
Alzheimer's disease  (104300 )
MetaboliteConcentration in SalivaPatient StatusAgeSexReferenceDetails
2-Hydroxybutyric acid (HMDB0000008) 7.26 +/- 4.47 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenine (HMDB0000034) 1.03 +/- 0.73 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Betaine (HMDB0000043) 6.43 +/- 0.37 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenosine monophosphate (HMDB0000045) 1.39 +/- 1.25 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenosine (HMDB0000050) 0.40 +/- 0.20 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
beta-Alanine (HMDB0000056) 2.84 +/- 1.41 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Creatine (HMDB0000064) 29.86 +/- 19.99 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
cis-Aconitic acid (HMDB0000072) 2.80 +/- 2.11 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Cytidine (HMDB0000089) 0.39 +/- 0.30 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Citric acid (HMDB0000094) 66.67 +/- 68.53 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Cytidine monophosphate (HMDB0000095) 0.90 +/- 0.71 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Choline (HMDB0000097) 23.98 +/- 10.66 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (HMDB0000112) 1.08 +/- 0.34 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glycine (HMDB0000123) 164.24 +/- 54.66 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Fructose 6-phosphate (HMDB0000124) 1.01 +/- 0.47 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glycerol 3-phosphate (HMDB0000126) 14.80 +/- 11.37 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Guanine (HMDB0000132) 1.36 +/- 0.14 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Malic acid (HMDB0000156) 22.27 +/- 14.67 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Hypoxanthine (HMDB0000157) 2.60 +/- 1.07 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Tyrosine (HMDB0000158) 21.64 +/- 9.24 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Phenylalanine (HMDB0000159) 5.97 +/- 0.09 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Alanine (HMDB0000161) 40.50 +/- 13.83 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Proline (HMDB0000162) 77.33 +/- 4.56 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Threonine (HMDB0000167) 3.65 +/- 0.97 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Asparagine (HMDB0000168) 1.68 +/- 2.90 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Isoleucine (HMDB0000172) 0.83 +/- 0.21 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Histidine (HMDB0000177) 16.96 +/- 7.43 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Lysine (HMDB0000182) 45.55 +/- 15.63 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Serine (HMDB0000187) 26.01 +/- 5.43 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Lactic acid (HMDB0000190) 919.97 +/- 827.31 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Aspartic acid (HMDB0000191) 9.62 +/- 6.59 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Isocitric acid (HMDB0000193) 3.75 +/- 2.89 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Ornithine (HMDB0000214) 28.26 +/- 9.78 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Pyruvic acid (HMDB0000243) 149.14 +/- 172.29 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Phosphoenolpyruvic acid (HMDB0000263) 1.94 +/- 1.62 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Sarcosine (HMDB0000271) 3.37 +/- 1.84 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Uridine 5'-monophosphate (HMDB0000288) 1.20 +/- 0.55 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
3-Hydroxybutyric acid (HMDB0000011) 6.62 +/- 0.72 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Arginine (HMDB0000517) 15.58 +/- 5.74 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Creatinine (HMDB0000562) 22.80 +/- 20.41 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Ribulose 5-phosphate (HMDB0000618) 3.41 +/- 1.80 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glutamine (HMDB0000641) 22.30 +/- 10.19 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Leucine (HMDB0000687) 2.73 +/- 0.76 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
3-Phosphoglyceric acid (HMDB0000807) 6.07 +/- 3.08 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Valine (HMDB0000883) 4.27 +/- 0.46 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Citrulline (HMDB0000904) 17.64 +/- 10.31 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Tryptophan (HMDB0000929) 0.22 +/- 0.16 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate (HMDB0001068) 0.91 +/- 0.26 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Spermidine (HMDB0001257) 0.46 +/- 0.14 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glucose 6-phosphate (HMDB0001401) 4.06 +/- 0.96 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Putrescine (HMDB0001414) 40.66 +/- 9.77 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (HMDB0001473) 8.45 +/- 4.68 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Ribose 5-phosphate (HMDB0001548) 1.00 +/- 0.44 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glucose 1-phosphate (HMDB0001586) 1.07 +/- 0.26 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Oxidized glutathione (HMDB0003337) 0.39 +/- 0.18 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Glutamic acid (HMDB0003339) 38.26 +/- 29.05 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Perillyl alcohol administration for cancer treatment
MetaboliteConcentration in SalivaPatient StatusAgeSexReferenceDetails
p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid (HMDB0000020) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Betaine (HMDB0000043) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
beta-Alanine (HMDB0000056) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Carnitine (HMDB0000062) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Pipecolic acid (HMDB0000070) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Glycerophosphocholine (HMDB0000086) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Choline (HMDB0000097) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (HMDB0000112) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Glycine (HMDB0000123) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Glutamic acid (HMDB0000148) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Ethanolamine (HMDB0000149) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Hypoxanthine (HMDB0000157) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Tyrosine (HMDB0000158) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Phenylalanine (HMDB0000159) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Alanine (HMDB0000161) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Proline (HMDB0000162) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Threonine (HMDB0000167) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Isoleucine (HMDB0000172) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Histidine (HMDB0000177) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Lysine (HMDB0000182) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Serine (HMDB0000187) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Aspartic acid (HMDB0000191) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Ornithine (HMDB0000214) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Taurine (HMDB0000251) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Glutamine (HMDB0000641) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
D-alpha-Aminobutyric acid (HMDB0000650) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Leucine (HMDB0000687) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Valine (HMDB0000883) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Citrulline (HMDB0000904) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Trimethylamine (HMDB0000906) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
L-Tryptophan (HMDB0000929) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Pyrroline hydroxycarboxylic acid (HMDB0001369) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Putrescine (HMDB0001414) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Cadaverine (HMDB0002322) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Methylimidazoleacetic acid (HMDB0002820) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Piperidine (HMDB0034301) Not QuantifiedAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Female details
Celiac disease  (212750 )
MetaboliteConcentration in SalivaPatient StatusAgeSexReferenceDetails
Ethanol (HMDB0000108) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Phenol (HMDB0000228) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Butanone (HMDB0000474) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Propyl alcohol (HMDB0000820) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Octanal (HMDB0001140) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Benzene (HMDB0001505) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Methyl isobutyl ketone (HMDB0002939) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Menthol (HMDB0003352) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
2-Pentylfuran (HMDB0013824) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Chloroform (HMDB0029596) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Ethyl acetate (HMDB0031217) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
xi-2-Ethyl-1-hexanol (HMDB0031231) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
4-Methyl-3-penten-2-one, 9CI (HMDB0031563) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Hexadecane (HMDB0033792) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Toluene (HMDB0034168) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Nonadecane (HMDB0034289) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Octyl 2-methylbutyrate (HMDB0036219) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Carbon disulfide (HMDB0036574) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
beta-Caryophyllene (HMDB0036792) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
1-Isopropyl-2-methylbenzene (HMDB0037050) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
2-Pentylthiophene (HMDB0040240) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Nonanal (HMDB0059835) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Pentadecane (HMDB0059886) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Hemimellitene (HMDB0059901) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Tetradecane (HMDB0059907) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
2-Hexanol (HMDB0061886) Not QuantifiedAbnormalChildren (1-13 years old)Both details
Frontotemporal dementia  (600274 )
MetaboliteConcentration in SalivaPatient StatusAgeSexReferenceDetails
2-Hydroxybutyric acid (HMDB0000008) 7.30 +/- 1.32 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenine (HMDB0000034) 0.87 +/- 0.78 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Betaine (HMDB0000043) 14.04 +/- 14.30 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenosine monophosphate (HMDB0000045) 3.72 +/- 4.53 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Adenosine (HMDB0000050) 0.48 +/- 0.32 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
beta-Alanine (HMDB0000056) 3.33 +/- 1.32 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Creatine (HMDB0000064) 26.61 +/- 5.64 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
cis-Aconitic acid (HMDB0000072) 2.17 +/- 0.53 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Cytidine (HMDB0000089) 0.48 +/- 0.23 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Citric acid (HMDB0000094) 67.38 +/- 26.37 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Cytidine monophosphate (HMDB0000095) 1.02 +/- 0.31 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Choline (HMDB0000097) 32.52 +/- 8.23 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (HMDB0000112) 1.78 +/- 0.50 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glycine (HMDB0000123) 120.76 +/- 85.97 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Fructose 6-phosphate (HMDB0000124) 1.46 +/- 0.81 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glycerol 3-phosphate (HMDB0000126) 18.18 +/- 11.57 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Guanine (HMDB0000132) 1.20 +/- 0.33 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Malic acid (HMDB0000156) 18.70 +/- 15.26 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Hypoxanthine (HMDB0000157) 2.99 +/- 1.49 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Tyrosine (HMDB0000158) 25.82 +/- 9.25 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Phenylalanine (HMDB0000159) 9.01 +/- 2.41 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Alanine (HMDB0000161) 36.63 +/- 16.68 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Proline (HMDB0000162) 48.08 +/- 21.24 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Threonine (HMDB0000167) 4.36 +/- 1.21 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Asparagine (HMDB0000168) 0.97 +/- 1.12 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Isoleucine (HMDB0000172) 1.22 +/- 0.30 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Histidine (HMDB0000177) 23.31 +/- 8.62 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Lysine (HMDB0000182) 41.71 +/- 22.55 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Serine (HMDB0000187) 23.41 +/- 14.42 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Lactic acid (HMDB0000190) 811.10 +/- 931.32 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Aspartic acid (HMDB0000191) 11.32 +/- 3.39 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Isocitric acid (HMDB0000193) 3.28 +/- 1.43 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Ornithine (HMDB0000214) 24.28 +/- 12.91 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Pyruvic acid (HMDB0000243) 72.05 +/- 29.52 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Phosphoenolpyruvic acid (HMDB0000263) 2.45 +/- 3.70 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Sarcosine (HMDB0000271) 20.53 +/- 27.29 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Uridine 5'-monophosphate (HMDB0000288) 1.61 +/- 1.18 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
3-Hydroxybutyric acid (HMDB0000011) 6.37 +/- 1.75 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Arginine (HMDB0000517) 18.89 +/- 1.07 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Creatinine (HMDB0000562) 9.65 +/- 3.44 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Ribulose 5-phosphate (HMDB0000618) 3.16 +/- 1.86 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glutamine (HMDB0000641) 19.49 +/- 3.73 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Leucine (HMDB0000687) 3.74 +/- 0.65 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
3-Phosphoglyceric acid (HMDB0000807) 7.73 +/- 6.31 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Valine (HMDB0000883) 4.77 +/- 1.15 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Citrulline (HMDB0000904) 17.48 +/- 14.00 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
L-Tryptophan (HMDB0000929) 0.40 +/- 0.21 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate (HMDB0001068) 0.84 +/- 0.13 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Spermidine (HMDB0001257) 0.72 +/- 0.39 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glucose 6-phosphate (HMDB0001401) 5.51 +/- 3.94 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Putrescine (HMDB0001414) 27.12 +/- 15.48 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (HMDB0001473) 10.80 +/- 9.74 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Ribose 5-phosphate (HMDB0001548) 1.32 +/- 0.68 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Glucose 1-phosphate (HMDB0001586) 0.94 +/- 0.22 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Oxidized glutathione (HMDB0003337) 0.58 +/- 0.47 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
D-Glutamic acid (HMDB0003339) 43.79 +/- 10.57 uMAbnormalAdult (>18 years old)Male details
Displaying diseases 1 - 4 of 17 in total